Miniature Zebu Cows Rare REDS & SPOTTED Registered IMZA Mini Zebu cows (Zebu and mini cross's) Our little zebus have been very popular at our petting zoo because they are tiny, super friendly, gentle, and just plain adorable!! Most visitors have never seen a cow so small or so cute. We started getting asked all the time if we would sell ours. We do have a couple calves that are available for sale each year. Ours came from one of the best bloodlines.
Paradise Valley Will Turner 34" DOB:4/1/13 Dam: LDF Alda Sire: Starland's Jack Sparrow
Reference Bulls
Paradise Valley Thistle
DLP Super Hero
Miniature Fluffy Cows Rare Polled and Fluffy coats Mini Fluffy cows (Mini Belted Galloway and Mini Scottish Highlander Cross) Our fluffy cows are the cutest cows with their fluffy coats! They stay small and are naturally hornless. We currently have a Belted Galloway Bull that we are breeding to a Highlander cow and have gotten some very sharp looking calves. Some have been black and white while others have been chocolate and even reddish and white. We bottle raise most of our so the tend to be very friendly.
Marigold Female Red Highlander DOB: 5/6/16 Dam: Unknown Sire: Larry Boothe